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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: bucski

Member#: 275
Registered: 08-07-2003
Diary Entries: 56

Mood: i'm never in a mood
14th October 2003
Kite surfing: ynyslas
Wind Direction: e to ne
Wind Stength: about 18mphish???
Surf / Sea State: flat
Air Temperature: cool
Sea Temperature: ok
Weather: clearish
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

great sesh, tide was low and had to head out of channel towards aberdyfi to find the wind. weint out from 5pm ish to 7pm
halfway through sesh was heading towards rocks on bank edging hard, gust hit, i lofted the kite and jumped clean over rocks landing on sand on other side!! board little worse for wear!
got a couple of clean and landed jumps in, though these are a bit sketchy
wind shifted a bit so i was able to do a bit of a downwinder back towards the car, which was great fun as was able to carve toeside and heelside
Ended sesh by being dragged up the sand bank and getting sand up nose in ears etc...., excellent!!?
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